Ceviche is one of the best known and most delicious dishes of Peru. As I have only started eating fish again for almost 2 years now, I tired it for the first time last May. And let me let you, it is quite superb. Although there are different styles of ceviche here are the most common ingredients:
"Raw" fish / Pescado
Onion / cebolla
Lime juice / jugo de lima
Potato / patata
Corn / choclo (maiz)
Although sweet potatos, onions, fish, and lime juice might not seem like a savory combination, trust me, you've got to try it. It is my experience that Peruvians have a healthy appetite; my family of five orders plate loads of ceviche family platters, arroz con marisocs (rice with seafood), and pescado frito (fried fish), and by the end of the meal those plates are wiped clean. Interesting fact: although the fish is raw; it soaked in lime juice, which is one way to "cook" fish. The acid makes the fish firm and you can trust the fish is fresh as the Peru is so close to the coast of the Pacific ocean. I've travel quite a bit for my age, alone and with peers, and I know travelers can be hesitant to try new, strange, foods. I understand, believe me. But trying new things is part of escaping your comfort zone and a risk well worth taking. It also shows respect towards your hosts and their country. Peruvian are very proud of their cuisine.
Being a Veggie
Although I do not eat red meat (I haven't for about 7 years) for this trip I have made a rule for myself: If I am served a plate (with or without meat) I will eat it. For strict vegetarians, this may be a shock. However, this is what works for me. I don't buy or order anything with meat in it, but if someone serves me food, I believe it the most polite way for me to handle it. Now, I don't eat all the meat; as I am not used to it, I only eat a portion so my stomach doesn't react ...negatively. lol. I am also not worried about being a strict veggie because here I am not eating meat from a fast food chain where the source of the meat and treatment of the animal is problematic. As my health was one reason I started eating fish again, a little more protein won't hurt me as someone with anemia. It is something I have question as I gotten older; whether I should continue being veggie, but one this trip I am content with my rule. Any veggies out there with a similar rule or opinions?

Chicha Morada
Corn Juice. Yup, I said it. Corn. Juice. PURPLE corn juice. And yes, it is also delicious. The typical ingredients include:
Purple corn / maiz morado
Fruits / frutas
Cinnamon / calena
Cloves / clavo de olor
Sugar / azĂșcar
Lime juice / jugo de lima
Besides tasting wonderful, chica morada is also very healthy. It contains high amount of anothocyanins and antioxidants, meaning the health of your skin and your regenerative tissues are improved in addition to other benefits.
My tios are visiting the US at the moment, so I am living here alone, sorta. My cousin is here, but he works a lot. I'll be cooking and eating out on my own now, but I'm excited. I have lots more family here in any case, and there will be plenty more traditional foods to try.
Chao for now,