Remember Girl Scouts? I was a brownie and junior back in the day, and while the patches were cool, I hated the uniform. But there is something to the idea of giving kids an incentive to do something they might not have otherwise. Lifescouts was created by YouTuber Alex Day to encourage people of all ages to share real-world experiences online. That can be a bad habit for us Millenials, not getting offline enough. Since Blossom Posh is about living a happy and fulfilling life, why not record these experience-stories here too?
My Lifescout Badges (so far)
Where better to begin than in the past? These badges are some of my favorite childhood memories. Click on the links to see other people's badge stories. Look at us, joining communities and all that :P

Rollercoaster Badge: My 8th grade class took a trip to 6 Flags just before summer. My crush and I went on all the fun rides together, and we starting going out after that. The best rollercoaster of my life was the Mummy in Universal Studios Florida. This ride had an amazing set design, a freaking story line, and FIRE. After the fire you rode the whole thing backwards. Five star rollercoaster, I'm telling you. Kayla and I went to 6 Flags a couple spring times ago. It was a brain scrambling, nostalgic adventure. I guess we both get this badge, hah!
Ballet Badge: Ballet has been a part of my life for 15 years. As I was a shy kid, I sought every other way to express myself through art, writing, and especially dance. What I love is that the body is used as a medium. Dancing the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker with my local dance company has to be one of my proudest moments. I practice yoga more often nowadays, but I'm always thankful for the outlet of wordless expression that dance still provides me.
I have roughly three weeks left in Peru. Before I leave though... I'm going to the jungle! *_* Next Lifescout post will be all about new experiences. Carpe Diem, ya'll.
Currently Reading: An Introduction to Zen Buddhism by D. T. Suzuki
Lyrics of the Day: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger/ doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone - "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson