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Sunday, November 25, 2012

5 Simple Steps to Find YOUR Happiness

Happiness ~~~ <3

1. First, find some time for your thoughts. Have alone time-- "me" time.  I LOVE me time... perhaps more than a person should... haha. I always hear people say how busy they are with work, school, kids, etc. There is always time for "me" time whether it's just for twenty minutes or shorter or longer (like I prefer). You can adjust your schedule a bit by taking a bath, a nap, doing something creative like write or draw, getting a manicure/pedicure (if you're not a broke college student like me) or taking a walk or jog. Just do something that allows you to concentrate on you.

2.  Just do what makes you feel good! Of course, without hurting anyone else. Bonus points, however, if it helps others in any way.

3. Produce positive thoughts and eliminate as much negativity as you can. The more positivity you project the more you will see all around. It might be difficult at first especially if you've had a challenging day already. But realize not everything has to be so bad. If it's hard think about all the good in your life, and the goal you want to work towards. And if you think you will have a bad day at work before even starting, then you will! Change up your outlook! Try it.

4. Find out what you actually want.  Don't think about the pressures of what your parents want for you, what your significant other thinks, what your friends think, whether your family want you to make a lot of money because they struggled, etc. Think about what you want short and long term for ultimate happiness. For short term, it could be something as simple as watching a Disney movie or making your favorite food (like spaghetti or mac n cheese- yum). Think about long-term.  Instead of thinking "where do I see myself in five years" think of "where do I WANT to see myself in five years." Then go for it. If it's something you are afraid to tell others, don't be ashamed!  It's who you are and what you want.  Everyone is different.

5. Believe that you ARE worth it and can achieve it. And you deserve the happiness and life you want.  You just have to try.  And keep trying. And maybe try some more. And you'll probably fail. Once. Twice. Ten times even. Don't give up. The road to your success isn't going to be a straight road of ease.  Nothing worthwhile will come easy. Life can be quite tough so you might have to fight through it all to get somewhere great. And you have to believe you can reach that place.  If you don't believe it then you will never reach it.  If you don't believe in yourself then who will?

Life can and should be wonderful. For all we know, we are here on Earth once, so let's make it the best possible. And it starts by you.

♥, Kayla

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