Dear Kayla,
I want tell you a bit more about my trip over here, but I also want to record these things so I don't forget! Since I've had more free time this month I started volunteering at a primary school here in Lima. What's awesome about this place is that it is an eco-school--basically the whole school is a garden. There are plants everywhere! Plus there are a few chickens, rabbits, and even fish. The kids learn about gardening, recycling, animals, art, and more. I've got to say I would have loved going to this kind of school when I was a kid. Believe it or not, this is a public school! Enjoy the photos:)
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Baby Bunny! |
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Fun with gardening and recycling |
The staff and teachers believe it's important for the children to start learning about respecting the environment at an early age. It's such wonderful message, and very much needed. In my experience, the pollution in Lima is one of the saddest things about the city. This school is the first of it's kind in Peru, and hopefully more like it will begin popping up everywhere. It's really inspired me to do some gardening for myself. Of course when I say gardening I mean keeping one plant alive, hah. I've found a lot of ideas on pinterest about gardening with recycled materials, and having a plant in the house always seems to give me a bit of joy when I start missing the small town life. Gracias ninos, me han ensenado mucho :)
On the topic of going back home, I am partly excited and partly anxious. There are so many things about the future that I'm looking forward to, jobs, friends, art, Taco Bell (jk, maybe lol). I'll have an internship ready to begin (woohoo!), but it'll be strange getting back into the routine of home. I didn't really expect what it'd be like coming to Peru, and I was taken a back. Now that I'll be going home pretty soon, I preparing for the unexpected. As you know, Kayla, my boyfriend and I broke up. So that's one reason going back home is going to be weird and difficult. When you go on a trip you escape the everyday surroundings you've grow sick of for adventure and something radically new. When you come back, you realize you have to face the everyday again. Everyday is not always an adventure, but we can make it one and get through the days that are just plain shit. Mostly I'm ready to get to the Jungle. That, and move on.
Write back:)
<3 Ginny
Currently Reading: A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde
Lyrics: I used to think it was great/ when I got to look forward to seeing your face - "I Think It Would Be Great" by Best Friends Forever