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Monday, September 2, 2013

Weekly Motivation

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Simple. True. Beauty is unique to each person. So...

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Gorgeous in a purely non-physical, you-are-a-living-thing-with-consciousness kind of way. You have life. To be sure, beauty is not perfection. To be sure, it's NOT the most important quality either. But. Real beauty can offer relief, maybe even hope. Amidst the upsetting truths of the present and the looming darkness of the future, one beautiful person, or one beautiful expression may mean or change everything. Beautiful things don’t last long, but perhaps they can make a lasting impact. For some people beauty is an unhealthy addition to seeking out other person’s idea of perfection. For others it is a life dedicated to protecting beautiful, scared people, creatures, art, etc. and sharing it with others.

That's my baby rant for the day.

<3 Ginny

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