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Monday, June 30, 2014

Tiny Adventures: June Nature Shenanagins


I explored and played in nature a ton this month. I enjoy summertime in Georgia, but sometimes the humidity does not play around. I'll still go outside and play around though. Nothing can stop meeee! 

Chattahoochee River: Swimming, Socializing, and Sizzling
I took one of my dogs, Obi, to swim in the Chattahoochee River. This was such a fun outing. It was nice to socialize with other people and dogs too. We all shared similar excitement in being there--both humans and dogs alike!
My boyfriend and I used to take our dogs to swim here all the time a couple years ago (when Obi was still a puppy). Obi didn't swim out too far. He didn't have much confidence in himself and was very nervous in new surroundings. But I worked with him on building up his confidence and he has grown so much! And he was able to enjoy swimming out in the deeper end! I even recorded a few seconds of it. :-)


The Park with SO MANY STEEP and Rocky Trails

My boyfriend went mountain biking while I hiked around with Obi. It felt exhilarating to keep pushing myself on some of those trails. I tested myself with balance, endurance, and a fear of heights. I pushed through any fear or doubt and kept going! I had no idea where I was going for a while and came across a heavily debris-ed area from all of the recent afternoon storms. Many fallen trees and branches lay in the trails with mud and creek all around them. A big creek sat next to all of that, so I had to balance on trees and hop across them to get across. And I saw a tree fall about 10 feet away. Very startling and crazy.

These pictures were snapped while Obi and I cooled off until the lover-pants made it back.

Grant Park with Ginnykins and Dani

I have been to Grant Park a few times but only explored the place once. 
That afternoon, we relaxed by a serene pond and created flower chains. An adult-sized turtle kept popping her head up to check up on us. And we also got some pops from King of Pops (first time for me). Very refreshing. And very fun.


And that's all I got captured! The rest is locked in my mind. 'Til next time! 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tiny Adventures: June Food

Dear Gin,

I have been trying new things and broadening my experiences. I am growing and working to become a better version of myself! It starts with attitude and action.

I took a few pictures of some things I did in June. I want to remember that feeling of accomplishment and facing the unknown. Passion and curiosity over laziness!

The Food

When I saw that organic brussel sprouts were on sale I knew now was the time to try them. I didn't follow a recipe to cook this. I just cooked it up the way I thought it would taste good. And it did! I was surprised, honestly. I've always heard people say something like "the only way they'll taste good is if you deep-fry 'em." Well, that's false. 'Cause these are delicious!

Sauteed Sprouts with Onion and Garlic
A bag of brussel sprouts
A clove or two (or more if you're so bold) of garlic
Seasoning like ground black pepper
A little bit of squeezed lemon
A scoop of white miso paste (for extra flavor which it didn't need)


I've cooked this many times. But this time I changed my process a bit, used different salsa, and made a guacamole salad. 

Oh my gosh I should look away from this picture. I'm about to start doing the Homer-Simpson-Drooling-Over-A-Donut-Sound. 

Why does grapefruit have to look so deceiving?

So juicy and vibrant. Plump and ripe.

I've tried it once before and wanted to try it again. It took me a few bites to reacquaint myself with this bitter citrus taste. I drizzled honey on it to make it a little sweeter, which turned it into a delightful snack. I ate the entire fruit!

And that's all I got for now. Every little bit of progress is better than none at all! ♥ 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Weekly Motivation

This year I've been making a point to face my fears. Most of them are small, but they are steps towards living a more free life. I'm not sky diving or going in any underwater caves anytime soon (or ever actually). I've been putting myself out there more and trying things I never thought I could do. And when I fail, it sucks. I'm not going to lie. But when I conquer I am seriously flying across the sky like Supergirl. And I gain experience and confidence in myself too. I feel proud of what I just accomplished. That is the best feeling and one to always strive for.   COURAGE OVER FEAR! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weekly Motivation

This is exactly what I needed to see this week. Be consistent and don't give up!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekly Motivation -- First of the New Year!

Hello, 2014!

 May you achieve your new years resolutions and thrive!

And cheers to more posts in 2014!