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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Project Love Yourself

Helllloo there, Kayla and hello there, world! WELCOME!

I'm Ginny. My friend Kayla and I want to start living healthy, happier, and more balanced lives. This blog will be our documentation of that process, the ups and the downs. I will soon begin my last semester of college and be shoved into the real world. Oh my, what will I do without the structure of school? Well, this blog is a start. I figure it's time to just do things on my own, or even better with a friend!

Let's see... I should start with a list right? Here are some goals, qualities, things I'd like to achieve or work towards...


1. Spiritual Development: I want to be more in touch with and aware of the energies around me. I want to do good for the world. One way I can do this is by meditating more frequently. Along with this, I'd also like to develop my intuition. Since my first trip to a Renaissance festival last November I've taken an interest in Tarot cards. I have my own deck as well as a book and hope I can study the cards more often. I want to have more energy, motivation, and drive to get things done.

2. Healthy Body: Now, I'm not going on a diet. I'm actually pescetarian--basically a vegetarian who eats fish. I've always naturally eaten lots of veggies and healthy stuff because I enjoy those kinds of foods. But there was also a time in my life when I was extremely body conscious, and that wasn't healthy either. Time has passed and I've become more secure in my own skin. But. I really need to work on getting enough protein in my diet and eating regularly balanced meals. It seems easy enough, but when you're a poor college student buying groceries for one, it can be challenging. Often times I wake up too late to eat breakfast or pack a lunch. My stomach grumbles through most of the day and I usually wind up spending too much on eating out. When I get home sometimes I'm so tried or busy with work and school that I forget to eat. That's no good either. I plan on getting to bed earlier and waking up earlier so I can be prepared for each day.  I don't want an ideal body that meets someone else's standards; I want to be strong and healthy. I love my body and so I've got to take care of it.

3. At-home Yoga: I've been dancing for over 15 years, but since getting into my later years of college I've had to concentrate more on my academics. Studies, life, and work can get stressful and my body was giving me signs of this. I didn't have as much energy, my muscles ached, etc. Dance and exercise had always been a big part of my life. Oh how I missed running, and leaping, and spinning, and stretching. Oh man. Dance classes around town are pretty expensive so I could never go regularly. Then I signed up for a few yoga classes at my school's rec center and discovered something extraordinary. It was exercise AND meditation. A perfect combination of what I needed. However, even finding time for yoga classes with my schedule has become perpetually more difficult. Over the summer, I've started doing yoga on my own. I'm so interested in it that I am considering getting a certification to teach. This year I hope to make more time to be active with my at-home yoga and to read more about it as well. What I love about yoga is that it is always practice. It doesn't matter what level you are at; what is important is that you listen to your body.

4. Writing and being consistent with this blog!

That's enough for now, although I could go on. Lists are a good start, but they once they get too long in my eyes it only seems like a list of things I haven't done. This list is a little different though. None of these things will ever be completely achieved. My spirituality, my health, my yoga, and my writing are things I always want to work on and improve. Blog entry number one, check.

Until next time, BYEEEEE!


P.S. Can't wait to hear from you, Kayla:P

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