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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Foods of 2012

Since I tried to improve my cooking habits over the past 5 months, I started photographing the meals I prepared. Here are just a few of my ups and downs. One thing I've learned is that I should always make more for dinner so I can save the left overs for lunch. One thing I want to improve is just my creativity with mixing and flavoring foods. Any suggestions are welcome. Here we gooooo...

I guess I could look at the good part about this. The fiber from the granola bar is a good source of energy. The macaroni is ...filling? And the soda.. ah... the soda. A bad choice. But you know? I'm not really on a diet. I didn't have too much soda over the past few months. I like orange juice in the morning and lots of water through the day. Still, the meals improve I promise.

I showed these in an earlier post, and I made them a few times. They got better!

A nice improvement from simply pasta and cheese. I got this idea from a friend who mixed peas and carrots with mac and cheese. Here I mixed in Lima beans, black olives, and tomatoes.

I've been taking car of my basil since this summer and it's doing well here. I didn't take a picture of it but there was pasta too. The basil was good with the pasta and the croissants.

Vegetable pancakes are sooooooo NOMNOM. And really easy to make. I think there are some recipes on our pinterest for a homemade pancake mix as well. That could make this meal even more healthy.

Another easy meal to make. Rice is cheap and filling, easy to flavor and mix with stuff. I always make too much. That's good though because I end up with more for later.

I'm a pescetarian but don't always eat enough protein. I got this awesome salmon burger while grocery shopping and I cooked it for dinner. Awesome wholesome sandwich. 

That's all for now. Next year I want to work on cooking even more often and making more interesting delicious meals. Guess I should also work on learning how to take good pictures of food. hah. Well, until next time!

Peace and Noms,

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