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Friday, April 5, 2013

Weekly Motivation

Almost There - The Princess and the Frog

I remember Daddy told me: “Fairytales can come true,

You gotta make 'em happen, it all depends on you."

So I work real hard each and every day,

Now things for sure are going my way.

This song. Perfect description of my life right now. As I get closer to graduation (MAY 11th!), I look at all the work remaining for all six of my classes. All are English type of classes too. So lots of writing, reading, research, projects, etc. Sometimes it feels overwhelming when I look at everything at once, but I just have to do one thing at a time. Then I have to find a job, plus move out of my apartment (and find a new one in a different city entirely). All within the fun month of May. This song just makes me feel better lately. Instant boost of motivation.

If there's a song or quote that gives you motivation (even from a Disney movie!) I'd love to hear about it.

Spreading good vibes and motivation your way~~~~~

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