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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

☻ Your Beauty, Your Call ☺

Dove's new real beauty campaign video

 It's refreshing to see this and acknowledge how women feel about themselves. I used to be influenced by the media regarding beauty standards when I was younger, which took a toll on my perception and happiness. But I am awesome and beautiful the way I am. I don't need to try and "fix" anything to meet someone else's standards of beauty. Because I've created my own standards for myself. I don't need anyone else to tell me how I should look in order to be beautiful. Because I've decided for myself that I am already.  And that is enough.  In fact, it's plenty.

It's time to shine light on this issue! I hope this video reaches you the way it did me. I will be posting more videos and great finds regarding this problem.  Let's change the way beauty is perceived together.

  Love yourself! You are the only you there is and ever will be. I'd say that's pretty powerful. ♡

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