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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Weekly Motivation

It's been nearly two weeks since I arrived in Peru. To say things have been quite different would be an understatement. All my family here have been such wonderful hosts, and living in another country is mind blowing. But time seems to move differently here. When I was at home, being in such a day to day routine, one week, even one month could just fly by. But here every day is a new experience, and I'm learning new things about myself outside my normal surroundings. I've been going all over the place too, to Spanish class and English class, in crowded combis, and up mountains. I've only wet my toes--two week of a three month stay--yet part of me misses home, thinks that this challenge I gave myself is too much. Finally I had some time today to sleep in, meditate, and do some yoga. It helped me center myself. I know this won't be easy. Last time I was in Peru I remember writing that part of taking a trip is feeling uncomfortable. But I don't want to isolate myself and my feelings of loneliness is an unfamiliar place; I want to connect with people. Hope I can keep mediating to calm myself, and take each adventure or struggle one breathe at a time.


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