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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, More Awesomeness

Happy New Year! It's crazy how time goes by. I feel old when I say things like that. Haha.

I'd like to reflect on 2012. Good, bad, anything that I can remember at this point anyway.

  • I quit a job I came to loathe after a few months (hostess at a popular Italian chain restaurant). 
  • I got a new job and worked with the majority of cool, friendly people and had fun. Then later I had to quit in order to focus on school (18 credit hours).
  • Caleb (my longtime love) graduated from Georgia Tech in the spring. Such an accomplishment.
  • Caleb and I got our dog, Atom (a sweet yellow Labrador), a brother in the summer!  He's a sable Merle Border Collie named Obi. He's so sweet and smart and cute and gush, gush, gush! ^_^ 
  • We moved to a new apartment. This is the third one since Fall 2010. Aye. Hopefully we'll stay here for a while though... Haha. This place is better than the other two.
  • I did well in the Fall semester from taking six upper level classes (all A's and B's). And my first A+ at this university.  
  • I really improved my writing and gained more confidence as a writer and artist.
  • I learned a lot. My brain should be the size of Saturn from 2012 alone. 
  • I read a lot. A lot, a lot, a lot! English major, creative writing concentration. And I wrote quite a bit too.
  • I payed my car off!! Woohoo! That was just in time for me quitting my job too.
  • Then of course I dealt with car problems after I payed it off. Over the year I got new tires, a new battery, new brake pads, new transmission fluid, and something else I don't remember. 
  • I got the flu last month then gave it to my dad. It started from Caleb's boss, then him, then me, then my dad. And I gave it to my dad from having to drive to my parents house to get my car worked on over in their area. 
  • Elvis sang to me and gave me a lap dance... in front of my boyfriend's family. Then Elvis gave his grandma a lap dance too.
  • I met cool people in my English classes. It sucks that I met them in my last year of college though. But at least I did and we could stay in touch.

Those were a few things that happened. I didn't have much of a social life last year from being heavily involved with school and work (before Fall). I did hang with friends but not as much as I would've liked.

Holiday Reflection!

Favorite gift I gave to someone: I was pleased with all the gifts I gave. I felt like I did a decent job in showing who they are and what they like. I mean, I pretty much only bought gifts for my family, Caleb, and his mom and stepdad.
Fav gift I received:  A medium Intuos 5 drawing tablet. Or the heating pad. Or the eco friendly yoga mat. I'm really grateful for everything and for me, it's about the thought behind the gift, not the price tag.
Fav gift to myself: A donation to help the animals in the shelters in NY after Hurricane Sandy. I always wish I could give more to help though. One day I will.

2013 is going to be a big year for me! I'm finally graduating from college, getting a "real" job, going to really put my artwork and writing out there, and who knows what else. Big, big changes will come this year.

Things to achieve:
Update this blog more frequently.
Get more on a chef level of cooking. Learn more about techniques, spices, recipes, etc.
Upload artwork. Make deadlines for myself... Writing and Illustrating.
Teach a lot more to Obi and work with the frisbee.
Go on vacation (with the assumption I'll have a good job to have $$$).
Read leisurely. I miss that.
Get better at yoga. Build more muscle and strength.
Work on children's books. Focus on the gluten free one first. Maybe other diseases to come.
Make new friends.
Be happier, healthier, and always feel grateful for everything in my life.

♥, Kayla

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