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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Self Education

Hey there internet folk. I graduated college, and it's my first semester out of school! So while it still feels like my life is divided into semester intervals, I thought I'd design my own semester out of school. While school gave me practical and valuable information, there are some lessons I have to learn for myself.

Introduction to Independent Study

This is a project I've designed to stimulate my mind and nurture my talents.The idea is to do things I like, while also being disciplined enough to follow my ideas through to the end. My course is mostly designed to be intellectually stimulating, but exercise and meditation are also important as well.

Course Objectives
  • Self growth
  • Practice, practice, practice
  • Improved communication skills both with others and myself
Ongoing Reading List
in no particular order

1984 by George Orwell
The Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
The Poetry of Rumi
The Diviners by Libba Bray
Nine Stories by J. D. Salinger

...And many more found on my goodreads account.

  • Record my dreams
  • Write one passage, fragment of of thought or doddle about each book I read
  • Only review books that really make an impact on me and/or are worth sharing 
  • Participate in and communicate with the blogging and BookTube communities
  • Become familiar with recently published authors and books
  • Get in the habit of free writing regularly each week. Become in touch with my inner voice
  • Educate myself and research current events
  • Educate myself and research historical events
  • Take a moment out of each day to be thankful for the blessings in my life

This is no end to this semester.  I feel I will always be a student in some sense or another. There will always be books to be read and something new to be learned. There is always room for growth.

Anyone out there just graduate college or high school and feeling this out-of-the-womb restlessness? How are you adjusting? I'll see how this plan goes.

Until next time!

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